

Choose the best answer: She________ a website developer.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were



Choose the best answer:She_______ for IBM in Poland. She_______in Estonia.

A. works/doesn’t work

B. work/ isn’t work

C. has work/ hasn’t work

D. were working/wasn’t working   



Choose the best answer: _________ area is data processing.

A. Their

B. They

C. We

D. I am



Choose the best answer:Where_______you work , Betty?

A. do

B. does

C. are

D. were



Choose the best answer: I work_________ HP in Budapest. What________you?

A. for/about

B. in /for

C. at / from 

D. under/over                                                         



Choose the right word to the given definition “a person responsible for firewalls,security levels,wireless connection,usernames and passwords”

A. Network administrator 

B. Team leader       

C. Database analyst

D. Programmer



Choose the right word to the given definition “someone whose job is to write digital code”.

A. Programmer   

B. Designer

C. Website developer

D. System analyst



Choose the right word to the given definition “a person who gives guidance, instruction, direction, etc. to a group of other people at work”

A. team leader

B. IT support officer

C. network architect

D. database analyst   



Choose the right word to the given definition “a person who is responsible for the design of databases”

A. database analyst       

B. system maintenance officer

C. website developer  

D. network architect                                                  



Choose the right word to the given definition “a word made up from the first letters of the name of something”                                         

A. acronym

B. protocol

C. area  

D. area  



Choose the best answer: What time ________ he get to the office? He ________ to the office just before nine.      

A. does/ gets  

B. do / getting  

C. is /get    

D. were / got  



Choose the best answer: Where __________ you from? I’m from the UK but now I_________ in Qatar.

A. are/live

B. have/lives

C. was/lived

D. do/are living  



Choose the best answer: _________workshop______you want to attend today, Don?

A. What/ do

B. Why/does

C. When/ does

D. Whose/ is



Choose the best answer:I want to _______ to the CISCO network security workshop. Sounds interesting. What time _______ it start?

A. go/ does  

B. have/ will

C. get/ have 

D. spend/is   



Choose the best answer:The workshop ________at 9.15 and it ________at 4.00 in the afternoon. But they have two breaks, at 11.15 and 13.45.

A. starts/ finishes

B. begin/ end

C. got/ finished

D. start up/ finish up  



Choose the right word to the given definition “a secret word that allows you to use a computer system or enter a place”

A. password

B. participant

C. privacy

D. secrecy



Choose the right word to the given definition “a personal name that you use when using a computer system”    

A. username

B. password

C. employee

D. trainee



Choose the right word to the given definition “assistance with computer and software products”

A. IT support                                                    

B. responsibility

C. workshop

D. session



Choose the right word to the given definition “someone who is taking part in an activity or event”

A. participant

B. trainee

C. employee

D. organiser           



Choose the right word to the definition “a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing practical exercises”      

A. workshop

B. gathering

C. schedule

D. break



Choose the right answer:I______a software engineer. What about you?

A. Am

B. Work

C. Be

D. Do



 Choose the appropriate answer.I______a software engineer.What about you?

A. am

B. Work

C. Be

D. Was



 Choose the correct answer: The batteries in my digital camera are nearly dead. They need __________.

A. to be changed

B. to change

C. exchanging

D. changed



Choose the correct answer to complete the passage:The other kind of software ____open source software, which is normally free to use and modify.

A. is called

B. called

C. were called

D. is calling



 Choose the right answer: Hello, I am Kamal._____to meet you

A. Pleased

B. Please

C. O.K

D. Thanks



Choose the correct answer:Sorry I can’t help. I haven’t got _____ knowledge about this subject.

A. Much

B. A little

C. Lot of

D. A lot of



Choose an uncountable noun:

A. Knowledge

B. Computer

C. Book

D. Desk



Choose the line  with uncountable nouns:

A. jam, sugar, milk, bread

B. sugar, traffic, cup, dollar

C. euro, water, notebook, sugar

D. sugar, table, keyboard, coffee



Choose the correct answer:My best friend Mike gave me … advice when I was studying at university.

A. Much

B. Lot

C. Few

D. So many



Choose the correct answer: A: Do you have five dollars? B: No, I don’t, but Oswald has ______ money with him.

A. a lot of

B. more of

C. lots

D. many



Complete this dialogue with necessary words.Nina: Hi, my ……. is Jake. Jake: Pleased to …. you.            

A. Name/meet

B. Name/get

C. Full name/meet

D. Full name/see



 Complete this dialogue with necessary words.Ann: Good morning, …….. is your name? Jerry: I am Jerry. …… to meet you.

A. What’s/ Nice

B. What /Pleased

C. What’re/ Nice

D. What’s/ This



Find the correct form of TO BE.A: Where ,,, you from? B: We …from the U.K.

A. are/are

B. is/are

C. are/is

D. is/is



Who is Sylvia? I am Sylvia, I create usernames and passwords and set firewalls.

A. Network administrator

B. Database analyst

C. IT support officer

D. Network architect



Choose the best answer: What …. she do? She …a developer.

A. does/is

B. do/is

C. Does/are

D. does/ am



Who is Mark? His area is data processing.

A. Database analyst

B. Network architect

C. IT support officer

D. Network administrator


Fill the gaps with necessary words. A: Ann, do you …. Linda? B: Yes, I do. What do you … to know?

A. Know/ want

B. Know/ do

C. Want/ want

D. Know/ meet



Choose the right variant: 9:15

A. Quarter past nine

B. Quarter to nine

C. Half past nine

D. Quarter past ten



Choose the right variant: 8:30

A. Half past eight

B. Half past nine

C. Quarter pat eight

D. half to ten



Choose the right variant:5:05

A. Five past five

B. Five to five

C. half past five

D. quarter past five



Choose the right variant:2:15

A. Quarter past two

B. Quarter to two

C. Fifteen to two

D. Half past two



Choose the right variant:9:50

A. Ten to ten

B. Ten past ten

C. half past nine

D. quarter to ten



Fill the gaps: I am …. Dubai, I work …. SAP there.

A. from/for

B. for/for

C. in/ from

D. in/ from



Fill the gaps: I start work …. 8:15, have lunch …… 1.

A. at/at

B. in/at

C. at/in

D. at/ on



Fill the gaps: I work in an office ….. Canada, but I am ……Dubai.

A. in/from

B. on/from

C. from/on

D. on/on



What is the abbreviation of WLAN?

A. Wireless Local Area Network

B. Wire Local Aspect Network

C. Wireless Live Area Network

D. Wireless Local Area Nation



What is the abbreviation of HTML?

A. Hyper Text Markup Language

B. Hyper Text Markup Line

C. Hyper Text Massage Language

D. Hyper Text Mark Language



What is the synonym of “mean”?

A. Stand for

B. Stand

C. Know

D. Understand



Choose the right word to the given definition: Belonging or relating to one particular person

A. Personal

B. Practical

C. Meaningful

D. Particular



Choose the right word to the given definition: feeling that you want to sleep or rest

A. Tired

B. Retired

C. Sad

D. Upset



Select the best definition to the word : "case"                             

A. the box of a computer that contains the hardware

B. the box of a computer that contains input devices

C. the box of a computer that contains output devices

D. the box of a computer that contains all peripherials



Choose the correct answer: What does CPU stand for?

A. Central Processing Unit

B. Central Printing Unit

C. Central Private Unit

D. Cable Processing Unit



Choose the correct answer: What is CPU?

A. the part of a computer that controls what it does

B. the part of a computer that shows information or pictures

C. the part of a computer where information is stored

C. the part of a computer that where all the circuits of a computer are placed



Select the best definition to the word:"fast" (adj)

A. moving or happening quickly

B. weghing not heavy

C. doing something easily

D. moving or happening slowly



Select the best definition to the word: "hard disk drive"

A. the part of a computer where information is stored 

B. the part of a computer with a screen that shows information or pictures

C. the part of a computer that controls what it does

D. a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed



Select the best definition to the word : "keyboard (n)"

A. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters, numbers, etc.

B. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks

C. a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed

D. a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to store information



Select the best definition to the word:"light (adj)"

A. not heavy

B. not easy

C. not slowly

D. not quickly



Select the best definition to the word:"memory (n)

A. a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to store information

B. the part of a computer that controls what it does

C. the part of a computer with a screen that shows information or pictures

D. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks



Select the best definition to the word : "monitor (n)"

A. a piece of computer equipment with a screen that shows information or pictures

B. a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to store information

C. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks

D. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.



Select the best definition to the word:"motherboard (n)"

A. a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed

B. the part of a computer where information is stored

C. a board which contains alphabetical, numerical and fuction keys

D. all answers are correct



Select the best definition to the word:"mouse (n)"

A. a small object connected to a computer, that you move with your hand and press to make the computer do things

B. the part of a computer where information is stored

C. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks

D. a piece of computer equipment with a screen that shows information or pictures



Select the best definition to the word:"optical disk drive (n)

A. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks

B. a small object connected to a computer, that you move with your hand and press to make the computer do things

C. a piece of computer equipment with a screen that shows information or pictures

D. the part of a computer where information is stored



Select the best definition to the word:"power supply unit(n)"

A. unit which supplies electric power to the other components in a computer

B. the part of a computer where information is stored

C. unit which supplies information to a computer

D. unit which supplies spare pieces to a computer



Select the best definition to the word:"application (n)"    

A. a computer program

B. a picture on a computer

C. a set of related packages

D. a particular quality or ability



Select the best definition to the word:"efficient (adj)"

A. work well without wasting time, money or energy

B. easy to use, understand or operate

C. doing something easily

D. moving or happening slowly



Select the best definition to the word:"image (n)"  

A. a picture, for example, on a computer

B. text information on a computer

C. a set of related packages sold

D. a piece of computer equipment with a screen



Select the best definition to the word:"package (n)"   

A. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer

B. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.

C. the part of a computer where information is stored

D. a picture, for example, on a computer



Select the best definition to the word:"process (v)"

A. to print a picture from a photographic film

B. to enter, for example a website

C. information stored on a computer

D. to put something inside or into something else



Select the best definition to the word:"software (n)"

A. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs

B. unit which supplies electric power to the other components in a computer

C. all physical parts of computer

D. a particular quality or ability



Select the best definition to the word:" strength (n)

A. a particular quality or ability that gives something or someone an advantage

B. several pieces of equipment that are connected to each other and work together

C. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer

D. unit which supplies electric power to the other components in a computer



Select the best definition to the word:"system (n)"

A. several pieces of equipment that are connected to each other and work together

B. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer

C. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.

D. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs



Select the best definition to the word:"user-friendly(adj)"

A. easy to use, understand or operate

B. complicated to use, understand or operate

C. complex to use, understand or operate

D. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs



Select the best definition to the word:"version (n)"  

A. a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different

B. a copy of information stored on a computer

C. a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

D. a document stored on a computer



Select the best definition to the word:"access (v)"

A. to enter, for example a website

B. to study something carefully

C. to make a copy of information

D. to examine something carefully



Select the best definition to the word:"automatic (adj)"

A. to work without needing someone to operate it for each part of a process

B. having a duty to be in charge of or to look after something

C. doing something manually

D. to work with the needing someone to operate it for each part of a process



Select the best definition to the word:"back up (phr v)"

A. to make a copy of information stored on a computer

B. to make a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

C. a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different

D.a place on computer where you can find information about something



Select the best definition to the word:"colleague (n)"

A. someone you work with; this term is used especially by professional people

B. educational establishment where students study

C. someone who is paid to work for someone else

D. someone who is taking part in an activity or event



Select the best definition to the word:"copy (v)"  

A. to make a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

B. a copy of information stored on a computer

C. a document stored on a computer

D. a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different



Select the best definition to the word:"usage (n)"  

A. the way in which something is used

B. to make a document that is used on computer

C. a copy of something that is used to be changed

D. the way of information is stored on a computer to be used later



Select the best definition to the word:"website (n)"

A. a place on the internet where you can find information about something, especially a particular organisation

B. a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

C. a document that is designed to work without needing someone to operate for each part of a process

D. a place on a computer where you can find information about something



Select the best definition to the word:"burn (v)"

A. to record music, images or other information onto it using special computer equipment

B. to join something to a computer or telephone network

C. to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that you can use it

D. to take something and put it in a different place or position



Select the best definition to the word:"connect (v)"

A. to join something to a computer or telephone network

B. to take something and put it in a different place or position

C. to record music, images or other information onto it using special computer equipment deliver a document that is designed to work with



Select the best definition to the word:"insert (v)"  

A. to put something inside or into something else

B. to join something to a computer or telephone network

C. to take something and put it in a different place

D. to make a computer program work



Select the best definition to the word:"install (v)"  

A. to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that you can use it; to set up for use

B. to deliver a document that is designed to work without needing someone to operate for each part of a process

C. to delete a piece of equipment so that you can not use it

D. to place a computer where you can work on it



Select the best definition to the word:"move (v)"   

A. to take something and put it in a different place or position

B. to put something inside or into something else

C. to join something to a computer or telephone network

D. to record music, images or other information



Select the best definition to the word:"office (n)"

A. a room where someone works at a desk or where people work together

B. a place on the internet where you can find information about something, especially a particular organisation

C. a place on a computer where you can find information about something

D. to make a computer program work



Select the best definition to the word:"run (v)"

A. to make a computer program work

B. to install and make a new computer system work for the first time

C. to solve problems that a computer is having

D. to join something to a computer or telephone network



Select the best definition to the word:"set up (phr v)"

A. to install and make a new computer system work for the first time

B. to take something and put it in a different place or position

C. to solve problems that a computer is having

D. to delete a piece of equipment so that you can not use it



Select the best definition to the word:"troubleshoot (v)"

A. to solve problems that a computer is having

B. to install and make a new computer system work for the first time

C. to join something to a computer or telephone network

D. to take something and put it in a different place or position



Choose the best answer: Your processor is … than mine.

A. faster

B. more fast

C. fastest

D. fast



Choose the best answer: That screen resolution is …..than before!.

A. much worse

B. worst

C. more worse

D. bad



Choose the correct answer: The Corsair is …than the Imation but ….

A. longer\slimmer

B. longest\slimmest

C. longer\more slim

D. long\slim



Choose the best answer: Here are two computers. Which is … to use?

A. better

B. good

C. best

D. gooder



Choose the correct answer: The new monitor was… in the room.

A. the biggest

B. the most big

C. bigger

D. big



Choose the correct answer:I don’t think you should buy that processor. It is the...

A. the least reliable

B. more reliable

C. the most reliable

D. reliable



Choose the correct answer: I really like this website. It's… I've ever seen.

A. the best

B. good

C. better  

D. good



Select the best definition to the word “reliable”

A. suitable or fit to be trusted

B. costing too much time

C. easy to use

D. user friendly



Select the best definition to the word “expensive”

A. costing too much money

B. having high quality

C. being very busy

D. suitable or fit to be trusted



Choose best answer: They … the latest version.

A. haven’t got

B. don’t have got

C. hasn’t got

D. doesn’t have got



Choose best answer: …. you …the latest software?

A. do\have

B. do\got

C. have

D. does\he



Choose best answer: She…. a network at the moment.

A. is setting up

B. sets up

C. setting up

D. set up



Choose best answer: Mr. Brown… to the office today. He is sick.

A. is not coming

B. is coming

C. comes

D. being come



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": It ... going well.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. being



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": I... learning a new program.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. being



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": She... working in the office today. She has a day-off.

A. is not

B. are not

C. am not

D. being not



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": They ...installing the new software.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. be



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": We ... setting up the network.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. being



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": We ... using word. We have a different word-processing program.

A. are not

B. are

C. am

D. being not



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": Where ...they working today?

A. are

B. are not

C. am not

D. be



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": What... he installing on the office computer?

A. is  

B. are not

C. am not

D. being not



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": I..coming to the office today. I'm sick.

A. am not

B. are not

C. am

D. being not



Complete this question with the suitable question word: .... do you use CNN for? - I use it to get the news.         

A. What

B. Which

C. Why

D. When



Complete this question with the suitable question word: .... websites do you visit? - I use Wikipedia a lot.           

A. Which

B. Where

C. Why

D. When



Complete this question with the suitable question word: you use Wikipedia? -I use Wikipedia to check information.        

A. Why

B. Which

C. When

D. Where



Complete this question with the suitable question word: .... do you use  CNN?- In my lunchbreak.         

A. When

B. Which

C. What

D. Why



Complete this question with the suitable question word: ... are they working today?        

A. Where

B. Which

C. What

D. When



Complete this question with the suitable question word: ... is he installing on the computer?       

A. What

B. Which

C. When

D. Where



Complete this question with the suitable question word: ...are you doing at the moment?       

A. What

B. When

C. Which

D. Where



Complete this question with the suitable question word: A: __________can I buy electronic products? B: Try

A. Where

B. How much

C. Which

D. What



Choose best answer: He… use Word but he … use Excel

A. can\can’t

B. must\can

C. can\must

D. can\mustn't



Choose best answer: We … work at the weekend.

A. don’t have to

B. doesn’t have to

C. don’t have

D. doesn’t have



Choose best answer: You …eat food at your desk or put drinks on the computer

A. mustn’t

B. don't must

C. doesn’t have to

D. has to



Choose best answer: I… log in using my password.

A. have to

B. has to

C. doesn’t have to

D. don’t has to



Choose the correct answer:This is the _____ problem we’ve had with the system.

A. worst

B. bad

C. worse

D. most worse



Complete the dialogue with the questionn word:- … does your company do? - Well, we mostly develop apps for Apple and Android devices – iPhones, that kind of thing.

A. What

B. How

C. Where

D. When



Answer the question: Which of the following is not considered as peripherals?        

A. hard disk drive

B. mouse

C. keyboard

D. headphones



Choose the appropriate answer: Please be quiet! I________ part  in  a webinar.

A. am taking

B. take

C. takes

D. has taken



Complete the dialogue with the questionn word:: .... website do you often visit? I often visit, because it is an interesting website.

A. Which

B. Why

C. When

D. Where



Choose the correct answer: The new computer is _____ than my old one.

A. faster

B. most fast

C. fastest           

D. fast



Choose the correct form of the adjective: At college the work is harder than the work we did at school, but it is much ... interesting.

A. more

B. most  

C. most  

D. a few



Choose the appropriate answer: Corsair Flash is … than the Imation Flash, that’s why it has 10 years of warranty.

A. more durable

B. much durable

C. durabler

D. durablest



Choose the right question word: _______does IBM stand for?

A. What

B. Why

C. When

D. Where



Choose the best answer: I _______got the number for the helpdesk.

A. haven`t

B. don`t

C. won`t

D. can`t



Choose the appropriate answer:Which of the following means a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to store information?

A. hard disk drive

B. keyboard

C. case

D. monitor



Choose the appropriate answer: Which of the following means box of a computer that contains the hardware?

A. case

B. solid drive

C. motherboard

D. memory



Choose the appropriate answer: Which of the following means a piece of computer equipment with a screen that shows information or pictures?

A. monitor

B. memory

C. printer

D. hard disk drive



Choose the appropriate answer: Which of the following means a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed?

A. motherboard


C. monitor




Choose the correct answer:My name (1) _____ Alicia and I work for GF Systems. I (2) _____ a programmer. I think GF is the (3) _____ company in its field. I (4) _____ got three other people in my team...

A. is/am/biggest/have

B. was/are/bigger/has

C. was/ am/biggest/have

D. is/are/big/has



Choose the correct answer: Take a look at my phone. It is ________than my last phone and I'm much _____with it.

A. cheaper/ happier

B. cheap / happy

C. cheapest/ happiest

D. cheaper/ happiest



Make a comparative form of the adjective: efficient

A. more efficient

B. efficienter

C. the most efficient

D. the more efficient



Corsair flash is .... than Imatation Clip, because it is made from aliminium.

A.more durable

B. durabler

C. durable

D. the most durable



Choose the correct answer: Internal hardware devices include

A. motherboards, hard drives, and RAM.

B. monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners

C. RAM and ROM, input devices

D. Mass storage, output devices



Choose the correct answer:External hardware devices include 

A. monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners

B. RAM and ROM, input devices

C. RAM and ROM,output devices

D. components



Choose the correct answer:The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as

A. components

B. peripherals

C. memory

D. storage



Choose the correct answer: The external hardware devices are usually called 

A. peripherals

B. components

C. memory

D. storage



Choose the correct answer: Common application software includes

A.Adobe Acrobat, CAD, Word, Excel, Encarta, Notepad, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

B.Java, C++, Turbo C, My SQL, Visual C, Access and Visual Studio.

C.Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and utility software such as anti-virus software.

D. all answers are correct



Choose the correct answer: Common programming software are

A. Java, C++, Turbo C, My SQL, Visual C, Access and Visual Studio.

B. Adobe Acrobat, CAD, Word, Excel, Encarta, Notepad, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

C. Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and utility software such as anti-virus software.

D. all answers are correct



Choose the correct answer:Common System software include:

A. Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and utility software such as anti-virus software.

B. Java, C++, Turbo C, My SQL, Visual C, Access and Visual Studio.

C. Adobe Acrobat, CAD, Word, Excel, Encarta, Notepad, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.

D. all answers are correct



Choose the correct answer: What is a database system?

A. a database system is the structure in which data is organised in a database;

B. a database system is backing up data

C. a database system is burning a CD

D. a database system is a software package.



Choose the correct answer:burning a CD means

A. putting information onto a CD.

B. backing up data

C. a software package

D. package from Microsoft.



 TEST     UNIT 3

 Choose the correct definition to the word “usability”

 A. a measure of how easy or efficient a program is to use

 B. privately developed and owned technology

 C. a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug

 D. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes information



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "having a duty, to be in charge of or to look after something"

 A. responsible

 B. reliable

 C. unaccountable

 D. irresponsible



 1. Test the website. 2. Design and develop the website. 3. Create a website specification. 4. Give the project

 for HTML coding. 5. Assign a specialist to write the website content. 6. Analyze the information from the customer.

 7. Discuss with the customer their requirements and the target audience.


 A. 7, 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1.

 B. 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 7, 3

 C. 4, 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6

 D. 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "easy to use, understand or operate"

 A. user-friendly

 B. user-helpful

 C. user-unfriendly

 D. user assisting



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "information about visitors’ IP addresses, geography, country,

 time zone, language, city, visitor maps"

 A. visitors overview

 B. graphical overview

 C. content overview

 D. traffic overview



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "total page views (total number of page views in a period),

 time spent per page, a list of most requested pages"

 A. traffic overview

 B. content overview

 C. visitors overview

 D. goals overview



 Choose the correct answer:

 _______websites do you use in your work and study?

 A. Which

 B. Why

 C. Which of

 D. What kind

 To carefully



 Read the text



 The purpose of an organizational website is to inform about an idea or event. Companies develop commercial websites

 to sell products or services. Entertainment websites are designed to entertain or provide fun activities. People visit

 news websites to obtain information. The purpose of a personal website is to provide information about an individual.

 Social networking websites help people to exchange personal information. Educational websites aim to share knowledge

 and enable online learning.


 Choose the correct answer:

 Why do people visit organizational websites?

 A. to inform about an idea or event

 B. to provide information about an individual

 C. help people to exchange personal information

 D. to share knowledge and enable online learning.



 Choose the correct answer:

 Why do people visit educational websites?

 A. to share knowledge and enable online learning

 B. to obtain information

 C. to inform about an idea or event

 D. to provide information about an individual



 Choose the correct answer:

 Why do people visit news websites?

 A. to obtain information

 B. to inform about an idea or event

 C. help people to exchange personal information

 D. to provide information about an individual



 Complete the sentence: The purpose of ________ website is to inform about an idea or event.

 A. an organizational

 B. commercial

 C. a personal

 D. news




 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "invisible information on a website"

 A. meta tag

 B. visitor map

 C. meta profile

 D. user profile



 Complete the sentence: _____ websites help people to exchange personal information.

 A. Social networking

 B. An organizational

 C. Entertainment

 D. Educational




 Choose the correct answer: Which of the following means increasing the number of visitors to a site?

 A. page optimisation

 B. meta tag

 C. user’s page

 D. visitor map



 Choose the correct definition to the word: 'easy-to-use'

 A. not difficult to use

 B. enjoyable and amusing

 C. easy to see, hear and understand

 D. not easy to use



 Complete the sentence: English teachers join to ___________ teaching resources.

 A. share

 B. sell

 C. practice

 D. help



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "easy to see, hear or understand"

 A. clear (adj.)

 B. funny (adj.)

 C. informative (adj.)

 D. reliable (adj.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "enjoyable and amusing"

 A. fun  (adj.)

 B. interesting (adj.)

 C. useful (adj.)

 D. easy-to-use (adj. phr.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "helping you do or get what you want"

 A. useful (adj.)

 B. well-designed (adj. phr.)

 C. informative (adj.)

 D. interesting (adj.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "things make you laugh"

 A. funny (adj.)

 B. easy-to-use.(adj. phr.)

 C. beautiful (adj.)

 D. exciting (adj.)



 Complete the sentence: Some websites want to ________ a service.

 A. offer

 B. obtain

 C. share

 D. practice



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "you give it your attention because it seems unusual or exciting or

 provides information that you did not know about

 A. interesting (adj.)

 B. easy-to-use (ad. phr.)

 C. beautiful (adj.)

 D. exciting (adj.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "you can trust it to do what you want it to do and  you can trust it

 not to break or stop working

 A. reliable (adj.)

 B. useful (adj.)

 C. well-designed (adj.)

 D. interesting (adj.)



 Complete the dialogue: A: George, I _______ some information about our website. B: OK, what do you need to _______

 A. need / know

 B. have / offer

 C. know / have

 D. share/ sell



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: something that is made or developed very well for a particular job or purpose

 A. well designed (adj. phr.)

 B. reliable (adj.)

 C. useful (adj.)

 D. interesting (adj.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "something that is attractive to look at"

 A. beautiful (adj.)

 B. clear   (adj.)

 C. easy-to-use (adj. phr.)

 D. funny   (adj.)



 Complete the dialogue: A: Well, I need some information about website ______, you know, external visits to our website. B: OK. _____ you do a report for me?

 A. traffic / Could

 B. number / Can

 C. service / Must

 D. guide / Have



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "providing with useful information"

 A. informative (adj.)

 B. interesting (adj.)

 C. reliable  (adj.)

 D. easy-to-use (adj. phr.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: to grow, change, or make something, for example a website

 A. develop (v)

 B. inform (v)

 C. share  (v)

 D. visit  (v)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "something, which provides information and advice on a particular subject"

 A. guide (n)

 B. product (n)

 C. purpose (n)

 D. service (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "to tell someone about something formally"

 A. inform (v)

 B. guide  (v)

 C. promote (v)

 D. sell  (v)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "facts or details about something"

 A. information (n)

 B. guide (n)

 C. purpose (n)

 D. service (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "something that is made and sold by a company"

 A. product (n)

 B. guide  (n)

 C. purpose (n)

 D. service (n)



 Complete the dialogue: A: OK, what do you need to know ______________ ? A: Well, the (8)_______ of visitors to our website last month,

 their movements and actions on the website, and where they're from.

 A. exactly / number

 B. truly / some

 C. occasionally / several

 D. normally / total



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "to try to make something happen or help something be successful"

 A. promote (v)

 B. inform (v)

 C. guide  (v)

 D. promote (v)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "the thing that you want to achieve when you do or use something"

 A. purpose (n)

 B. product (n)

 C. guide  (n)

 D. service (n)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: to offer something for people to buy, or to exchange a product or service for money.

 A. sell (v)

 B. inform (v)

 C. guide (v)

 D. promote (v)



 Read the text

 Learning Now Ltd is in the education business. It needs a new website to promote its courses, materials and learning resources and provide online

 language-learning services. The website users are young adults all around the world. The website needs to have these features: good interactivity,

 audio and fast download times.


 Choose the correct answer: What is the business type?

 A. educational

 B. commercial

 C. entertainment

 D. social networking



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "help or work that a business provides for customers, rather than goods produced by a business"

 A. service (n)

 B. purpose (n)

 C. product (n)

 D. guide (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "to let other people have or use something"

 A. share (v)

 B. inform (v)

 C. guide (v)

 D. promote (v)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "to look at a website on the internet"

 A. visit (v)

 B. inform (v)

 C. guide (v)

 D. promote (v)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a place on the internet where you can find out information about something"

 A. website (n)

 B. purpose (n)

 C. product (n)

 D. guide (n)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "all the things that are part of a website"

 A. content (n)

 B. feature (n)

 C. development (n)

 D. specialist (n)



 Choose the correct answer: ________ a lot of information on this website.

 A. There is

 B. There are

 C. There have

 D. There



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "the process of growing, changing, or making something"

 A. development (n)

 B. content (n)

 C. feature (n)

 D. monitor (n)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "an important or interesting part of somethin"

 A. feature (n)

 B. content (n)

 C. feature (n)

 D. monitor (n)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes over a period"


 A. monitor (v)

 B. publish (v)

 C. guide (v)

 D. promote (v)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "someone who knows a lot about a particular subject"

 A. specialist (n)

 B. colleague

 C. system analyst

 D. network designer



 Choose the correct answer: _____do you use Wikipedia? I use Wikipedia to check information.

 A. Why

 B. How

 C. When

 D. Where



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a clear statement of what is needed or wanted on a website"

 A. specification (n)

 B. content (n)

 C. feature (n)

 D. monitor (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "something that you do"

 A. action (n)

 B. report (n)

 C. traffic (n)

 D. map (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "you cannot see it"

 A. invisible (adj.)

 B. difficult (adj.)

 C. veritable (adj.)

 D. visible (adj.)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a visual guide of a website"

 A. map (n)

 B. meta tag (n)

 C. profile (n)

 D. number (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "the HTML or XHTML used to provide metadata about a website"

 A. meta tag (n)

 B. map (n)

 C. profile (n)

 D. number (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "when people move from one place to another on a website"

 A. movement (n)

 B. Meta tag (n)

 C. map (n)

 D. number (n)



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "an amount of something that you can count, for example the number of times someone visits a website"

 A. number (n)

 B. profile (n)

 C. report (n)

 D. traffic (n)



 Choose the best answer to the following definition: "a short description that gives the main details of what someone or something is like"

 A. profile (n)

 B. number (n)

 C. report (n)

 D. traffic (n)



 Choose the correct answer: _______ do you use CNN? In my lunchbreak.

 A. When

 B. Where

 C. Why

 D. What



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a written or spoken description of a situation or even"

 A. report (n)

 B. number (n)

 C. profile (n)

 D. traffic (n)


 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "used to describe movement on the Internet"

 A. traffic (n)

 B. number (n)

 C. profile (n)

 D. report (n)



 Choose the corret answer to the following definition: "someone who visits a website"

 A. visitor  (n)

 B. attendant (n)

 C. colleague (n)

 D. reporter (n)



 Choose the correct answer: Twelve million, three hundred thousand, five hundred and sixty four.

 A. 12,300,564

 B. 12,364,566

 C. 12,310,546

 D. 12,300,164



 Choose the correct answer: How do you say this number? 30 055

 A. thirty thousand and fifty-five

 B. fifty-five thousand

 C. twenty thousand and fifty-five

 D. thirty thousand and forty-five



 Choose the correct answer: The purpose of an organizational website is_________

 A. to inform about an idea or event.

 B. to sell products or services.

 C. to entertain or provide fun activities.

 D. to provide information about an individual.



 Choose the correct answer: Companies develop commercial websites _________

 A. to sell products or services.

 C. to provide information about an individual.

 D. to inform about an idea or event.



 Choose the correct answer: The purpose of a personal website is _________

 A. to provide information about an individual.

 B. to inform about an idea or event.

 C. to entertain or provide fun activities.

 D. to sell products or services.



 Choose the correct answer: Information about where your visitors are from is _________

 A. visitor map

 B. page optimization    

 C. Meta tag      

 D. data validation



 Choose the correct answer: What is page optimization?

 A. increasing the number of visitors to your site

 B. cleaning and double-checking data

 C. information about where your visitors are from

 D. invisible information on a website



 Choose the correct answer. When you ____________ a commercial website, it is important to make sure that your visitors can move around easily in your site.

 A. design

 B. navigate

 C. use

 D. sell



 Choose the correct answer: A personal website is a website used by an _______ for personal use. Though similar to a blog, a personal website is usually much

 larger and contains the personal interests, hobbies, etc.


 A. individual

 B. interpreter

 C. organizer

 D. entertain





 Choose the correct answer: ________ help non-expert colleagues with their IT related problems.

 A. IT support officer

 B. Website developer

 C. Helpdesk officer  

 D. Support technician



 Choose the correct answer: A: __________traffic does each site get? B: It gets ________ visitors.

 A. How much / many  

 B. How many / much

 C. What / a few

 D. Which /some



 Choose the correct answer: A: __________can I buy electronic products? B: Try

 A. Where

 B. How much 

 C. What

 D. Which



 Complete the dialogue: A: Who works for GF Systems? B: __________

 A. David does

 B. David

 C. David is

 D. David works



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: clear, easy to use, understand or operate.

 A. user-friendly

 B. easy-going

 C. light

 D. interesting



 Choose the correct answer: What does ELT ( stand for?

 A. English language teachers

 B. Electronic language technics

 C. Elementary level teachers

 D. English language terminology




 Fill in the gap with the suitable word:

 English teachers join to __________their resources.

 A. share

 B. sell

 C. promote

 D. practice



 Choose the correct answer: _______is used to ask the reason for something.

 A. why

 B. how

 C. when

 D. who



 Choose the correct answer: ______is used to ask about time.

 A. when

 B. how

 C. where

 D. why



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "something that is made or developed very well for a particular job or purpose"

 A. well designed

 B. useful

 C. informative

 D. clear



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a written or spoken description of a situation or event"

 A. report

 B. traffic

 C. information

 D. action



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "the HTML or XHTML used to provide meta data about a website"

 A. meta tag

 B. profile

 C. meta map

 D. system



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "used to describe movement on the internet"

 A. traffic

 B. profile

 C. map

 D. report



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "a visual guide of a website"

 A. map

 B. profile

 C. Meta tag

 D. direction



 Choose the correct answer: How do you say this number: 500,000?

 A. Five hundred thousand

 B. Five thousand hundred

 C. Five millions

 D. Fifty hundred thousand



 Choose the correct answer: How do you say this number: 700,000?

 A. Seven hundred thousand

 B. Seven thousand hundred

 C. even millions

 D. Seventy hundred thousand



 Complete the sentence with the suitable word: We can all get on the bus. There are only ______ passengers on it now.

 A. a few

 B. many

 C. much

 D. a little



 Complete the sentence with the suitable word: I put ______ sugar on the fruit. I do not like sugar very much.

 A. a little

 B. many

 C. much

 D. a few



 Choose the correct answer: What is the aim of developing commercial websites?

 A. to sell products or services.

 B. to provide information about an individual.

 D. to inform about an idea or event.



 Complete the sentence with the suitable word: The study of website ________ is called website analytics.

 A. traffic

 B. development

 C. design

 D. structure



 Complete the sentence with the suitable word

 Information about where your visitors are from is a ________

 A. visitor map

 B. web map

 C. data map

 D. Meta map



 Choose the correct answer: What is the purpose of a personal website?

 A. to provide information about an individual.

 B. to inform about an idea or event.

 C. to entertain or provide fun activities.

 D. to sell products or services.



 Choose the correct answer to the following definition: "information about a user and the sites they browse"

 A. user profile

 B. Meta tag

 C. user’s page

 D. visitor map



 Complete the dialogue: A: Could you do a report for me? B: ______. When do you need it by? A: Tomorrow morning, ___________. It’s for the finance director.

 A. Sure / I’m afraid

 B. That’s right/ of course

 C. Please/ it’s ok

 D. Of course/ exactly



 Choose the correct question form:

 A. What do you use Wikipedia for?

 B. What for you use Wikipedia?

 C. What are Wikipedia you use for?

 D. What Wikipedia you use for?



 Choose the correct answer: Do you use the same sites?

 A. Yes, I do

 B. Yes

 C. Yes, I use

 D. Yes, I am



 Choose the correct answer: Companies use to _____________ their products .

 A. sell

 B. share

 C. use

 D. report



 Choose the correct preposition: The purpose _____ a personal website is to provide information _______ an individual.


 A. of/ about

 B. for/ of

 C. by /at

 D. to / for



 Choose the correct preposition: Where do you find information about how long they spend on the website?

 A. about/on

 B. of / at

 C. for / for

 D. to /on



 Choose the appropriate article: ____ purpose of _____ organisational website is to inform about ____ idea or event




 C, -/the/an

 D. The/the/an



 Choose the appropriate article: First , discuss with _____ customer their requirements and _____ target audience.


 A. the/the

 B. a/ a

 C, the/ a

 D. a/the


 Choose the best definition of the word “data”

 A.information or facts

 B.any device internal to the computer

 C.a component of a computer

 D.any program designed to run on a computer



 Choose the best definition of the word “database”

 A.a large amount of information stored in a computer system electronic, digital device that stores and processes information

 C.a group of connected computers which share resources

 D.physical things that make up a computer, such as a component or a peripheral



 Complete the sentence: Data validation means to _________ .

 A.clean the data and double-check for faults and inconsistencies

 B.arrange data into table format so that it can be analysed

 C.arrange and systemise the data

 D.enter the data into a system



 Complete the sentence: Gathering raw data which you want to process is ________ . collection validation entry

 D.ta tabulation



 Choose the correct answer: A large amount of information stored in a computer system is _________ .

 A.a database






 Choose the correct answer: I can’t ____________ some websites.




 D.looked at



 Choose the correct answer: _____ you recommend an external hard drive, please?







 Choose the correct answer: ________ you give me some advice about the language courses?







 Choose the correct preposition: What is the difference ___________ a database and a spreadsheet?







 Choose the correct preposition: A database is_________ storing data.






 Choose the correct preposition: Can people access the system _______the same time?





 Choose the correct preposition: A database is a collection____________ records.







 Choose the correct preposition: Yon enter the data________ the system.




 Choose the correct preposition: This database is used ______ store our financial information.




 Choose the correct answer: ‘Do you want to know what the database is used_______? Well, it is used ______store information ________all our books.





 Choose the correct answer: Do you want to know what the database is used _________?






 Choose the correct answer: Database is used to store information _______ all our books.





 Choose the correct answer: What’s the difference _______ these two systems?






 Choose the correct answer: You need to retrieve the data _______the database.







 Choose the correct answer: How many people can access the information ______ the same time?





 Choose the correct answer: We organize the data _______ relevant groups.





 Choose the correct answer: A database is a collection_______ records.


 C.out of




 Choose the correct answer.

 A: _____ you help me with the new database, please?

 B: ______’s the problem?

 A.Could /What

 B.Do/ What

 C.Can/ Which




 Choose the correct answer. We _____ using Word. We have a different word-processing program.


 B.won’t be

 C.will be




 Choose the correct answer: "Finance department of a company works with ________ ". about profits, tax, loans, shares and cash. about product advertisements and competitors. about training, and recruitment needs. about satisfaction surveys, and promotions.



 Choose the correct answer: "Human resources department of a company works with _______". about employees, training, and recruitment needs. about satisfaction surveys, and promotions. about profits, tax, loans, shares and cash. about product advertisements and competitors.



 Choose the correct answer: Data _____ is when you arrange and systemise the data.







 Choose the correct answer: Arranging and systemizing the data is ______ . coding collection validation entry



 Choose the correct answer: __________ is arranging data into table format so that it can be analysed.

 A.Data tabulation

 B.Data entry

 C.Data validation

 D.Data collection



 Choose the correct answer: _________ is entering data into a system?

 A.Data entry

 B.Data coding

 C.Data collection

 D.Data validation



 Choose the correct answer: To clean the data and double-check for faults and inconsistencies is ________ . validation coding collection tabulation



 Choose the correct answer: ________ is creating categories to organize the data into relevant groups.

 A.Data sorting

 B.Data coding

 C.Data collection

 D.Data validation



 Choose the correct answer: To gather the raw data which you want to process is ________ . collection coding sorting validation


 Choose the correct answer: The way in which something is organised or designed is_________ .







 Choose the correct answer: To put information into a computer means to _______ .







 Choose the correct answer: To keep information in a computer means to _______ .




 Choose the correct answer: A line of things next to each other means_______ .






 Choose the correct answer: ______ you help me, please?







 Choose the correct answer: Please _____ you explain what a database is?







 Choose the correct answer: A:Please could you help?.

              B: _________ .

 A.No problem.

 B.No, I don't want.

 C.Not yet.




 Choose the correct answer: _______ you type in your name, please?







 Choose the correct answer: The department in a company that deals with managing the stock of a product is ______ .

 A.stock management




 Choose the correct answer: The department in a company that decides how to advertise a product, what price to charge for it ____ .

 B.stock management




 Choose the correct answer: Someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company is ______ .







 Choose the correct answer: A written or spoken description that gives people the information they need is _____ .






 Choose the correct answer: A type of work that people are involved in is ______ .







 Choose the correct answer: Something difficult that you have to deal with or solve is _______ .





 Choose the best definition of the word “problem”

 A.something difficult that you have to deal with or solve keep information in a computer

 C.a line of things next to each other

 D.information or facts



 Choose the best definition of the word “remote"

 A.far away

 B.very close to




 Choose the correct answer: Could you help me, please? _______ .



 C.Not now




Select the best definition to the word:"convenience (n)"   

A. the quality of being suitable or useful for a particular purpose, especially by

making something easier or saving you time

B. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.

C. the ability to gain sales because your website is strong or noticeable

D. the quality of selling a product or service to another business rather

than the public


Choose the correct answer: What does B2B stand for?

A. Business to Business

B. Businessman to Businesswoman

C. Bus to business

D. Business to Boss


Choose the correct answer: What does B2C stand for?

A. Business to Consumer

B. Businessman to Consumer

C. Bus to Consumer

D. Business to Customer


Choose the correct answer: What does Ñ2Ñ stand for?

A. Consumer to Consumer

B. Consumer to Company

C. Consumer to Computer

D. Corporation to Consumer


Choose the correct answer: What does M-commerce stand for?

A. Mobile Commerce

B. Mobi Commerce

C. Microphone Commerce

D. Micro Commerce


Select the best definition to the word : "presence"                             

A. the ability to gain sales because your website is strong or noticeable

B. the buying or selling of goods via mobile devices

C. the box of a computer that contains output devices

D. the ability to buy because your website is strong or noticeable


Select the best definition to the word: "spend"                             

A. to use money to pay for goods or services

B. the buying or selling of goods via mobile devices

C. to waste time and money

D. the ability to buy because your website is strong or noticeable


Select the best definition to the word: " supermarket"                             

A. a very large shop that sells food, drinks and things that people need regularly in their homes

B. a very small shop

C. a very large shop that sells food, drinks and things that people need never in their homes

D. online shop that sells food



Select the best definition to the word: "account’’ (n)

A. what you get when you register with a website and give them your personal details in order to buy a product or service

B. what you give when you register with a website and give them your personal details in order to buy a product or service

C. what you buy when you register with a website and give them your personal details in order to buy a product or service

D. personal information


Select the best definition to the word: " basket " (n)

A. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website

B. the list of products that you sell at one time from a website

C. the list of products that you recommend at one time from a website

D. products that you sell at one time from a website



Select the best definition to the word : " check-out (n)"

A. an area on a website where you pay for the items in your basket

B. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website


C. a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed

D. a product on a website, which is available to buy



Select the best definition to the word:" debit card (n)"

A. a plastic bank card with your signature on that you can use to pay for things;

the money is taken directly from your bank account

B. a product on a website, which is available to buy


C. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website

D. a plastic bank card



Select the best definition to the word: "E-commerce (n)”

A. electronic commerce

B. election commerce

C. economy commerce

D. elector commerce



Select the best definition to the word : "item (n)"

A. a product on a website, which is available to buy

B. a product on a market, which is available to sell

C. an area on a website where you pay for the items in your basket

D. goods that you have ordered on a website



Select the best definition to the word:" order (n) "

A. goods that you have ordered on a website

B. a product on a website, which is available to buy

C. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website

D. all answers are correct



Select the best definition to the word:" reach (v)"

A. to get to a particular level or amount

B. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website

C. a product on a website, which is available to buy

D. a plastic bank card with your signature



Select the best definition to the word:" touch (v)”

A. to put your hand or finger on something

B. a small object connected to a computer

C. to move your hand or finger on something

D. the part of a computer where information is stored



Select the best definition to the word:" bank (n)"

A. an organisation where you can keep your money safely until you need it; you can also borrow or change money in a bank

B. a room where you can keep your money safely until you need it;

C. an organisation where you can spend your money, you can also borrow or change money in a bank


D. an organisation where you can spend your money for charity, you can also change money in a bank



Select the best definition to the word:" complete (v)"    

A. to finish doing or making something

B. to start doing or making something

C. to continuing doing or making something

D. to do particular action



Select the best definition to the word:" confirmation (n)"

A. something telling you that something is definitely true or will definitely happen

B. to finish doing or making something

C. something acting you that something is definitely true or will definitely happen

D. something telling you that something is definitely isn’t true



Select the best definition to the word:" gateway (n)"  

A. an entrance to another computer network; a way of connecting two computer networks

B. an entrance to neighbors network; a way networks

C. a way of disconnecting two computer networks

D. an entrance to another network; a way of connecting networks



Select the best definition to the word:" payment (n)"   

A. the act of paying for something

B. the act of not accepting

C. the list of items that you buy at one time from a website

D. the act of not paying for something



Select the best definition to the word:" rejection (n)"

A. the act of not accepting

B. the act of paying for something

C. the act of accepting

D. the act of refunding



Select the best definition to the word: " server (n)"

A. the main computer on a network, which controls all the others

B. unit which supplies electric power to the other components in a computer

C. all physical parts of computer

D. an entrance to another computer network;



Select the best definition to the word:" technology (n)”

A. new machines, equipment and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers

B. the main computer on a network, which controls all the others

C. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer

D. unit which supplies electric power to the other components in a computer



Select the best definition to the word:" attack (n)"

A. an attempt to cause damage or injury

B. the act of not accepting

C. an entrance to another computer network

D. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs



Select the best definition to the word: " authentication (n)"

A. proof that something is true or real

B. complicated to use, understand or operate

C. an attempt to cause damage or injury

D. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs



Select the best definition to the word: "connection (n)"  

A. when two or more machines or telephones are joined together or joined to a larger system, using an electrical connection

B. to protect information by putting it into a special code that only some people can read

C. an attempt to cause damage or injury

D. one of several different levels in a system



Select the best definition to the word:" encrypt (v)"

A. to protect information by putting it in to a special code that only some people can read

B. to distribute information in to a special code that only some people can read

C. to finish doing or making something

D. to examine information by putting it in to a special code that only some people can read



Select the best definition to the word:" firewall (n)"

A. a system that protects a computer network and prevents other people from using it or damaging it

B. a system that connect a computer network and prevents other people from using it or damaging it

C. protecting information by putting it into a special code that only some people can read

D. to work with the needing someone to operate it for each part of a process



Select the best definition to the word:" hacker (n)”

A. someone who uses computers to secretly use or change the information in another person's computer system

B. someone who make a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

C. someone who copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different

D. someone who place on computer where you can find information about something



Select the best definition to the word:" layer (n) "

A. one of several different levels in a system

B. a system that protects a computer network

C. someone who is paid to work for someone else

D. someone who is taking part in an activity or event



Select the best definition to the word:" online (adj) "  

A. connected to the internet, or available through the internet

B. limited to a small group of people or things

C. a document stored on a computer

D. a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different



Select the best definition to the word:" security (n)"  

A. something that protects a website from attacks

B. a system that protects a computer network

C. one of several different levels in a system

D. someone who uses computers to secretly



Select the best definition to the word:" transaction (n) "

A. a business deal or action such as buying or selling something

B. when two or more machines or telephones are joined together

C. a document that is designed to work without needing someone to operate for each part of a process

D. a place on a computer where you can find information about something



Choose the best answer: We need ……. users to test this.

A. a few

B. much

C. a little

D. a some



Choose the best answer: They don't have …… customers

A. many

B. a few

C. more

D. some



Choose the correct answer: We have…. money for online shopping each week.

A. a little

B. some

C. more

D. -



Choose the best answer: 1 don't have …. knowledge on that subject

A. much

B. many

C. bester

D. gooder



Choose the correct answer: …… businesses need E-commerce upgrades.

A. A lot of

B. The much

C. Bigger

D. Big



Choose the correct answer: ……. money has been kept aside for this.

A. Some

B. More

C. Most

D. -



Choose the correct answer: ...... shops have online presence. They sell …

products online.

A. A lot of/ many

B. A much/much

C. A some /a few

D. A good/some



Select the best definition to the word “reliable”

A. suitable or fit to be trusted

B. costing too much time

C. easy to use

D. user friendly



Choose best answer: …. companies offer customer service and advice on their E-commerce websites.

A. Some

B. A little

C. A much

D. The little



Choose best answer: I don't have ….. knowledge of computers, but I can still shop online.

A. much

B. many

C. a few

D. some



Choose best answer: Companies spend …. money on E-commerce security.

A. a lot of

B. many

C. a few

D. some



Choose best answer: Even when companies only have …. money for online marketing, they should spend it.

A. a little

B. a few

C. some

D. many



Complete this sentence with the suitable form of "to be": It ... going well.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. being



Choose best answer: I buy …. of music online but I get ….. clothes online

A. a lot of \few

B. must\can

C. can\must

D. can\mustn't



Choose best answer: Companies want to reach more customers, …. they go online.

A. so

B. but

C. and

D. or



Choose best answer: It is easy to set up an online business ….. it is difficult to design and develop a website that attracts a lot of customers.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. so



Choose best answer: Hardware ….. software provide basic infrastructure for E-commerce.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or



Choose the correct answer: Customers expect a fast and reliable service …. they will go somewhere else to buy things.

A. or

B. but

C. so

D. and



Choose the best ending: Effective product information and …..

A. promotions attract customers

B. they search the Internet

C. our sales improved a lot

D. you can't touch it



Choose the best ending: Customers can use their credit cards, PayPal or ….

A. electronic cheques to pay for transactions

B. I'll check online tutorials

C. you can't touch it

D. our sales improved a lot



Choose the best ending: We used a lot of promotions, so ….

A. our sales improved a lot

B. you can't touch it

C. I'll check online tutorials        

D. electronic cheques to pay for transactions



Choose the best ending: I don't know how to buy online but ….

A. I'll check online tutorials

B. our sales improved a lot

C. electronic cheques to pay for transactions

D. you can't touch it




Choose the best ending: They want to buy a Cat 5e cable so

A. they search the Internet

B. our sales improved a lot

C. electronic cheques to pay for transactions

D. you can't touch it



Choose the best ending: In E-commerce y ou can look at a picture of a product but

A. you can't touch it

B. our sales improved a lot

C. electronic cheques to pay for transactions

D. they search the Internet



Complete the text with the best answer: I like the Amazon website. It has a lot of products …. I think it is easy to find things. You can buy books, CDs … videos. I like music, … I use it a lot. I often download music …. I don’t buy CDs.

A. but/ or/ so/ but

B. and/or/and/so

C. but/and/or/so

D. so/but/so/and



Complete the text with the best answer: We will …… a network with a firewall and …. to restrict the inbound traffic. We will give limited ….. to WAN and external email and we will give unlimited access to LAN, internal email and messenger to all users. We will ….. an application that restricts access to and from the internet. We will set up ….. solutions for the company database. Finally, we will install an application to prevent …. of unauthorised files on the system.

A. set up/ routers/ access/ install/ backup/ the storage

B. install/modem/enter/set up/copy/information

C. set up/ routers/ permit/ install/ copy/ the storage

D. install/ routers/ access/ set up/ backup/ the storage



Choose the appropriate answer: Which of the following means box of a computer that contains the hardware?

A. case

B. solid drive

C. motherboard

D. memory



Complete the dialogue with appropriate words:

-Shayan, can you explain how a customer …. an online transaction?

-OK, it's very easy. …. the customer will place an order. The seller's (3) …. server will confirm availability of the product and send a response. After that, the customer checks out and completes the …… instructions. Then the server will send a payment request t o a payment …..The payment gateway will check the buyer's ability to pay with the … OK?

A. completes/First/web/payment/gateway/bank

B. make/ At first/confirmation/customer/accounts

C. fill/Begin/web/payment/gateway/bank

D. rejection/ First/confirmation/customer/accounts



Complete the dialogue with appropriate words:

-The bank will respond and send payment acceptance or ……to the seller's web server through the payment gateway. Finally, the customer will receive the server response with the order …. or rejection.

-Will the …. have to register?

-Yes, all buyers must have their ….. before they complete the transaction.

-Thank you. Now I understand

A. rejection/confirmation/customer/accounts

B. completes/web/payment/gateway/bank

C. fill/web/payment/gateway/bank

D. refuse/confirmation/consumer/accounts



1. What does LAN stand for?

A. Local Area Network

B. Language Assistant Network

C. Language Area Network.

D. Local Area Notification



2. What does WAN stand for?

A. Wide Area Network

B. Web Area Network

C. Wide Local Area Network

D. Wire Assistant Network



3. What does VPN stand for?

A. Virtual Private Network

B. Vitae Personal Network

C. Virtual Private Notification

D. Visible Private Notes



4. Which term refers the amount of information that can be carried through a computer connection at one time?

A. Bandwidth speed

B. Gateway

C. Hub

D. Computer protocol



5. What is a gateway?

A. an entrance to a network

B. an equipment that connects networks and sends data between them

C. a device which receives a signal and then resends it at a higher power

D. a hardware allows wireless devices to connect to a network



6. What does DSL stand for?

A. Digital Subscriber Line

B. Dial – up connection

C. Device system language

D. Digital Standard Land



7. What does the noun “recommendation” mean?

A. a suggestion about what someone should do

B. to tell someone that something is good or enjoyable

C. a place where you buy things

D. a set of rooms on one floor of a large building, where someone lives



8. Choose the right answer: I'd________ we set up a Virtual Private Network so that you have a ___________  access to your company’s LAN.

A. recommend / remote

B. recommendation / remote

C. recommends / internet

D. recommendation / internet



9. What is the meaning of the word “equipment”?

A. the things that you use for a particular activity

B. owned by a person or group and not available for others to use

C. to tell someone that something is good or enjoyable

D. a place where you buy things



10. What is the function of the repeater?

A. to send the digital signal further on in the network

B. to modulate and demodulate the data into a digital or an analog signal

C. to connect networks that use the same protocol

D. There is no right answer



11. Which term refers the amount of space between two places or things?

A. distance

B. place

C. internet

D. connection



12. What is the smallest unit of information that computer uses?

A. bit

B. kilobit

C. megabyte

D. terabit



13. Choose the right answer: What can you _______?

A. suggest

B. suggested

C. suggesting

D. suggests



14. Fill the gap: How¬¬¬¬¬¬ ________ adding a repeater then?

A. about

B. can

C. are

D. what



15. Complete the sentence: OK, then you should check the cables and network________ to make sure that they are compatible with your network.

A. devices

B. doing

C. change

D. about



16. Choose the right preposition: Is this software compatible____________ this computer?

A. with

B. between

C. on

D. from



17. Choose the right preposition: A LAN connects devices ______a small area.

A. over

B. among

C. with

D. to



18. Choose the right preposition: Is the computer connected _____the modem?

A. to

B. on

D. between



20. Choose the right preposition: The LAN allows you to share information ________users.

A. between

B. over

C. from

D. on



21. Choose the right preposition: Why don’t you look _____the Internet?

A. on

B. in

C. over

D. with



22. Find the sentence that is expressed the past simple tense?

A. I left school in Cambridge in the UK at the age of 18 and went straight to the University of Bristol.

B. The photographs show (clockwise, from top right) a modem, an expansion card, a router (with an antenna) and network server.

C. This exercise contains all the network hardware vocabulary they are likely to suggest.

D. Betty and Mark are scientists and they are working on some experiments in their lab.



23. Find the key words of the past simple tense:

A. ago, yesterday, last, previous

B. usually, always, ago, before

C. just, for, since, ago

D. every, today, tomorrow



24. Read the text and answer the question: 'I left school in Cambridge in the UK at the age of 18 and went straight to the University of Bristol to study computing in 2000.1 graduated in 2004 and decided to travel around the world for a year. In 2006 I got a job back in Cambridge with the software company Arm. I stayed with Arm for two years and then went to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA. This is where I am now and I love it! When did he go to university?

A. 2000

B. 2004

C. 2006

D. There is no the right answer.



25. Read the text and answer the question: 'I left school in Cambridge in the UK at the age of 18 and went straight to the University of Bristol to study computing in 2000.1 graduated in 2004 and decided to travel around the world for a year. In 2006 I got a job back in Cambridge with the software company Arm. I stayed with Arm for two years and then went to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA. This is where I am now and I love it! What did he do after university?

A. He decided to travel around the world.

B. He got a job back in Cambridge

C. he went to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA.

D. He left the school.



26. Read the text and answer the question: 'I left school in Cambridge in the UK at the age of 18 and went straight to the University of Bristol to study computing in 2000.1 graduated in 2004 and decided to travel around the world for a year. In 2006 I got a job back in Cambridge with the software company Arm. I stayed with Arm for two years and then went to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA. This is where I am now and I love it! When did he go to Seattle?

A. 2008

B. 2006


D. 2004



27. Read the text and answer the question: 'I left school in Cambridge in the UK at the age of 18 and went straight to the University of Bristol to study computing in 2000.1 graduated in 2004 and decided to travel around the world for a year. In 2006 I got a job back in Cambridge with the software company Arm. I stayed with Arm for two years and then went to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA. This is where I am now and I love it! When did he leave university?

A. 2004

B. 2000

C. 2006

D. 2008



28. Read the text and answer the question: Wireless networks have limited range. Network range depends on the type of 802.11 protocol, strength of the device transmitter and the architecture of the surrounding area. Some structures, such as walls and metal frames, reduce the range of a WLAN by 25%. However, users can extend the range of a WLAN. Repeaters forward the wireless signal to access points or routers and increase the range of a network. What can reduce network range?

A. walls and metal frames

B. WLAN and repeaters

C. transmitter

D. routers



29. Read the text and answer the question: Wireless networks have limited range. Network range depends on the type of 802.11 protocol, strength of the device transmitter and the architecture of the surrounding area. Some structures, such as walls and metal frames, reduce the range of a WLAN by 25%. However, users can extend the range of a WLAN. Repeaters forward the wireless signal to access points or routers and increase the range of a network. What can improve network range?

A. repeaters

B. metal frames and walls

C. transmitter and agriculture

D. There is no the right answer



30. Read the text and answer the question: Speed Bandwidth and latency are the measures of computer network speed, or data transfer rate. Bandwidth is the maximum throughput of data in bits per second. Some modems support 100 Gbit/s but speed depends on the hardware and software used. Latency is the delay that network creates during the transfer data. Users have no, or very little, control over bandwidth and latency. What two things affect speed?

A. bandwidth and latency

B. power of the software

C. the version of hardware

D. nothing



30. Read the text and answer the question: Speed Bandwidth and latency are the measures of computer network speed, or data transfer rate. Bandwidth is the maximum throughput of data in bits per second. Some modems support 100 Gbit/s but speed depends on the hardware and software used. Latency is the delay that network creates during the transfer data. Users have no, or very little, control over bandwidth and latency. What is latency?

A. the delay that network creates during the transfer data

B. maximum throughput of data in bit per second

C. signal to access point

D. working speed of software



31. Read the text and answer the question: Speed Bandwidth and latency are the measures of computer network speed, or data transfer rate. Bandwidth is the maximum throughput of data in bits per second. Some modems support 100 Gbit/s but speed depends on the hardware and software used. Latency is the delay that network creates during the transfer data. Users have no, or very little, control over bandwidth and latency. What are the measures of computer network speed?

A. bandwidth and latency

B. power of the software

C. the version of hardware

D. nothing



32. Complete the sentence: Some modems support 100 Gbit/s but speed _________ the hardware and software used.

A. depends on.

B. depend on

C. depend with

D. depends to



33. Complete the sentence: Repeaters _______the wireless signal to access points or routers and ______the range of a network.

A. forward / increase

B. forwards / increase

C. increase / forwards

D. forward / increasing



34. Complete the sentence: However, user can ________the range of a WLAN.

A. extend

B. extends

C. extending

D. extended



35. Complete the sentence: Latency is the______ that network creates during the transfer data.

A. delay

B. software

C. hardware

D. equipment



36. Complete the sentence: Some modems ______100 Gbit/s but speed ______the hardware and software used.

A. support / depends on

B. supports / depend on

C. supporting / depend to

D. support / depend to



37. Complete the sentence: Some structures, such as walls and metal frames, ______the range of a WLAN _____ 25%.

A. reduce / by

B. reduced / for

C. reduces / by

D. reducing / on



38. Complete the sentence: I_______ with Arm for two years and then______ to work for Microsoft in Seattle in the USA.

A. stayed / went

B. stay / go

C. will stay / go

D. stays / goes



39. Complete the sentence: Repeater is a device, which ______a signal and then _____it at a higher power.

A. receives/ resends

B. receive / send

C. resends / receives

D. receiving / resend



40. Complete the sentence: The function of modem is to _______ and _______the data into a digital or an analog signal

A. modulate / demodulate

B. modulation /demodulation

C. modulating/ demodulating

D. modulated / demodulated



41. Complete the sentence: The function of the repeater is to _____the digital signal further on in the_____.

A. send / network

B. sends / equipment

C. sending / network

D. sent / equipment



42. Complete the sentence: The word “recommendation” means a _____about what someone should______.

A. suggestion / do

B. suggesting / does

C. suggest / do

D. suggestion / doing



43. Complete the sentence: Range is the distance of______, so distance units represent network range.

A. network coverage

B. network speed

C. network equipment

D. hardware version



44. Complete the sentence: Most countries use metric but some use feet as units of________.

A. measurement

B. weight

C. hardware

D. software



45. Complete the sentence: Meters or feet usually ______the range of a ______.

A. describe / network

B. describes / network

C. used / measurement

D. description / speed



46. Complete the sentences: A _______connects devices over a small area, for example your apartment and the shop. In addition, you should connect office ¬¬¬¬_______ such as the printer, scanner and fax machine, to your LAN because you can then share these devices between users.

A. LAN/Equipment

B. WAN/ Equipment

C. VPN/ Equipment

D. LAN/cable



47. Complete the sentences: _______is a private network that uses a public network, usually the ________ to connect remote sites or users together. Let's meet on Friday to discuss these recommendations.

A. VPN/Internet

B. LAN/Internet

C. WAN/Internet

D. Internet/WAN



48. Complete the sentence: _______is the maximum throughput of data in bits per second.

A. bandwidth

B. repeater

C. range

D. distance



49. Complete the sentence: They _______ the computers yesterday.

A. installed

B. sell

C. setting up

D. share



50. Complete the sentence: I ______my computer off yesterday and today I ______it on.

A. switched / can't turn

B. switch / couldn’t turn

C. switched / could

D. switches /turn



51. Complete the sentence: I _________with the network download_________.

A. have a problem / speed

B. have a connection / range

C. have an idea / issues

D. has a problem / speed



52. Which sentences expresses the suggestion?

A. What about changing the modem?

B. Could you help me?

C. You mustn’t stop here

D. Can I hang out with you?



53. Choose the right answer to complete the suggestion: ________ you check user recommendations on the internet as well?

A. Why don't

B. Can

C. How about

D. What about



54. What is a range?

A. the distance of network coverage

B. a network connector

C. an equipment for sending data

D. the time for sending messages



55. Choose the correct description of the following: 4Gbit/m

A. four gigabits a/per minute

B. four gigabits a/per second

C. four bits a/per minute

D. four minute a gigabits



56. Choose the correct description of the following: 12kbit/s

A. twelve kilobits a/per second

B. twenty kilobits a/per second

C. twelve kilobits a/per speed

D. twenty kilobits a/per speed



57. Choose the correct description of the following: 65 Mbit/s

A. sixty-five megabits a/per second

B. sixty-five megabyte a/per second

C. sixteen-five megabits a/per speed

D. sixty-five megabits a/per speed



58. Choose the correct description of the following: 95 Mbit /s

A. ninety-five megabits a/per second

B. nineteen-five megabits a/per second

C. ninety-five megabits a/per speed

D. nineteen-five megabits a/per speed



59. Choose the correct description of the following: 7,000 metres

A. seven thousand metres

B. seven hundered metres

C. seven billion metres

D. seventy thousand metres



60. Choose the correct description of the following: 156 feet

A. one hundred and fifty-six feet

B. one thousand and fifty-six feet

C. one hundred and fifteen-six feet

D. one hundred and fifty-six foot



61. Which answer indicates the speed:

A. 77 kilobits per second

B. 250 metres

C. 40 feet

D. A and B



62. Which answer indicates the range:

A. 40 feet

B. 77 kilobits per second

C. 4Gbit/m

D. A and B



63. Which term refers “a system of things that are connected with each other”?

A. network

B. computer

C internet

D. website



64. Which term refers “to go to one place from another or to several places”?

A. to travel

B. to operate

C. To communicate

D. all answers are correct



65. Which term refers “a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life”?

A. career

B. workshop

C. session

D. education



66. Which term refers “the act of creating something”?

A. creation

B. participation

C. training

D. trainee



67. What does “to lunch” mean?

A. to make a new product available

B. to go away from a place

C. to have a break

D. to get money



68. Find the correct definition of the word “bandwidth”:

A. the amount of information that can be carried through a computer connection at one time

B. the measures of computer network range

C. delay that network creates during the transfer data

D. to make a new product available



69. Which term refers “a unit for measuring length, equal to 12 inches or about 30 centimeters”?

A. feet

B. foot

C. range

D. measurement



70. Find the measuring unit of describe the range of a network:

A. feet and metres

B. minutes and seconds

C. bandwidth

D. speed



71. Complete the sentence: She_______ the network in December 2008.

A. created

B. creates

C. create

D. creating



72. Complete the sentence: She even_____ to the office last weekends, but ________the project.

A. went / couldn’t finish

B. goes / couldn’t finish

C. went / can’t finish

D. went / could finish



73. Which device sends the digital signal further on in the network?

A. repeater

B. hub

C. modem

D. switch



74. What is the function of the wireless access point?

A. to allow wireless devices to connect to the network

B. to send the digital signal further on in the network

C. to connect networks and sends packages of data between them

D. A and B



75. Which device connects the networks and sends packages of data between them?

A. bridge

B. hub

C. modem

D. wireless access point



76. What is the function of router?

A. to connect networks that use the same protocol

B. to connect the networks and send packages of data between them

C. to allow wireless devices to connect to the network

D. all answers are correct



77. Complete the sentence: The function of modem is to________ and _________the data into a

digital or an analog signal

A. modulate / demodulate

B. receive / send

C. copy / change

D. print / scan



78. Complete the sentence: _______ is an entrance to another network.

A. gateway

B. hub

C. switch

D. router



79. Read the text and answer the question: Range is the distance of network coverage, so distance units represent network range. Most countries use metric but some use feet as units of measurement. Metres or feet usually describe the range of a network . Home networking routers support a range up to 150 feet or 46 metres indoors and 300 feet or 92 metres outdoors. What is a unit of measurement in most countries?

A. metric and foot

B. indoor and outdoor

C. rang and speet

D. A and B



80. Read the text and answer the question: Range is the distance of network coverage, so distance units represent network range. Most countries use metric but some use feet as units of measurement. Metres or feet usually describe the range of a network . Home networking routers support a range up to 150 feet or 46 metres indoors and 300 feet or 92 metres outdoors. Which answer refers the coverage area of home networking routers:

A. up to 150 feet

B. over 150 feet

C. up to 92 feet

D there is no the right answer



81. What is the meaning of the word “private”?

A. owned by a person or group and not available for others to use

B. owned by a person or group and available for others to use

C. a system of things that are connected with each other

D. a place where you buy things



82. What is the meaning of the word “distance”?

A. he amount of space between two places or things

B. a system of things that are connected with each other

C. the things that you use for a particular activity

D. a place where you buy things



 Select the best definition to the word : " software "                             

A. any program designed to run on a computer

B. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary hard disk drive or motherboard

C. an external computer add-on, such as a printer or a scanner; also known as an 'accessory'

D. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes information



 Select the best definition to the word : " cable "

A. wires that carry electricity or telephone signals

B. a piece of equipment used to put electricity into a battery

C. to change the way in which the files on a computer's hard drive are stored and organised, by putting related information together so that the computer works more effectively

D. to describe when two things that are connected are separated



Choose the correct answer: What is a charger?

A. a piece of equipment used to put electricity into a battery

B. wires that carry electricity or telephone signals

C. the part of a computer where information is stored

D. the part of a computer that where all the circuits of a computer are placed



 Select the best definition to the word:" defragment " (v)

A. to change the way in which the files on a computer's hard drive are stored and organised, by putting related information together so that the computer works more effectively

B. weghing not heavy

C. doing something easily

D. moving or happening slowly



 Select the best definition to the word: “ disconnected “ (adj)

A. to describe when two things that are connected are separated

B. doing something easily

C. to change the way in which the files on a computer's hard drive are stored and organised, by putting related information together so that the computer works more effectively

D. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly



Select the best definition to the word : “help desk ticket” (n)

A. a ticket with a number that allows an IT help desk to track requests for help from users

B. a disk drive that uses a laser to read and write data on disks

C. a board where all the circuits of a computer are placed

D. a piece of equipment in a computer that is used to store information



 Select the best definition to the word: “plugged” (adj)

A. connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

B. not connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

C. to change something so that it is better or more modern

D. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly



Select the best definition to the word:” switch off” (phr v)

A. to make a machine or light stop working by moving a button

B. to change something so that it is better or more modern

C. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly

D. connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment



Select the best definition to the word : “tight” (adj)

A. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly

B. to make a machine or light stop working by moving a button

C. to change something so that it is better or more modern

D. connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment



Select the best definition to the word: “type” (n)

A. a group of things that are similar to each other in some way

B. a ticket with a number that allows an IT help desk to track requests for help from users

C. a board which contains alphabetical, numerical and fuction keys

D. all answers are correct



Select the best definition to the word: “unplugged” (adj)

A. not connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

B. connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

C. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly

D. to change something so that it is better or more modern



Select the best definition to the word: “upgrade” (v)

A. to change something so that it is better or more modern

B. describes a cable connection that is in correctly and firmly

C. connected to the main supply of electricity, or to another piece of electrical equipment

D. to describe when two things that are connected are separated



Select the best definition to the word:”anti-static wrist strap”(n)

A. an device used by a person working on electronic equipment to prevent the build-up of static electricity on their body

B. a set of tools used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

C. a tool for cutting wire or pulling nails out of wood

D. a device that measures electronic properties and is used to find electrical problems in batteries, power supplies, and wiring systems



Select the best definition to the word:“cause” (n)

A. a person, event or thing that makes something happen

B. a picture on a computer

C. a set of related packages

D. a particular quality or ability



Select the best definition to the word:”diagnosis” (n)

A. the process of discovering exactly what is wrong with something, by examining it closely

B. easy to use, understand or operate

C. doing something easily

D. moving or happening slowly



Select the best definition to the word: ”fix” (v)

A. to repair something

B. text information on a computer

C. to describe when two things that are connected are separated

D. to change the way in which the files on a computer's hard drive are stored and organised, by putting related information together so that the computer works more effectively



Select the best definition to the word: ”hex key set” (n)

A. a set of tools used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

B. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.

C. the part of a computer where information is stored

D. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer



Select the best definition to the word: ” insertion / extraction clipper” (n)

A. used for inserting and removing fibre connectors in tight spaces

B. to enter, for example a website

C. information stored on a computer

D. to put something inside or into something else



 Select the best definition to the word: “multimeter” (n)

A. a device that measures electronic properties and is used to find electrical problems in batteries, power supplies, and wiring systems

B. a device that tests a computer system as it boots up and identifies errors in the system

C. a tool that you use for turning screws

D. a tool for cutting wire or pulling nails out of wood



Select the best definition to the word: “pliers” (n pl)

A. a tool for cutting wire or pulling nails out of wood

B. a tool that you use for turning screws

C. a small tool with three prongs used for repairing computers

D. a device that tests a computer system as it boots up and identifies errors in the system



Select the best definition to the word: “screen” (n)

A. the part of a computer where the picture or information appears

B. a set of related programs sold together for use on a computer

C. a set of keys on a computer which you press to produce letters numbers, etc.

D. programs that a computer uses to do different jobs



Select the best definition to the word: “screwdriver” (n)

A. a tool that you use for turning screws

B. a device that tests a computer system as it boots up and identifies errors in the system

C. a small tool with three prongs used for repairing computers

D. a tool for cutting wire or pulling nails out of wood



 Select the best definition to the word: “system diagnostic card” (n)


A. a device that tests a computer system as it boots up and identifies errors in the system

B. a small tool consisting of two thin pieces of metal joined at one end; you use tweezers for picking up small things

C. a document that is exactly the same as an earlier or original one

D. a document stored on a computer



Select the best definition to the word: “ three prong holder” (n)

A. a small tool with three prongs used for repairing computers

B. a tool used for cutting wires

C. a tool used for cutting wire or removing insulation

D. a tool that you use for turning screws



Select the best definition to the word: “ tweezers” (n)

A. a small tool consisting of two thin pieces of metal joined at one end; you use tweezers for picking up small things

B. a tool that you use for turning screws

C. a tool used for cutting wire or removing insulation

D. a tool used for cutting wires



Select the best definition to the word: “wire cutter” (n)

A. a tool used for cutting wires

B. a tool used for cutting wire or removing insulation

C. a tool that you use for turning screws

D. a small tool consisting of two thin pieces of metal joined at one end; you use tweezers for picking up small things



Select the best definition to the word: “wire stripper” (n)

A. a tool used for cutting wire or removing insulation

B. a tool that you use for turning screws

C. a tool used for cutting wires

D. a small tool consisting of two thin pieces of metal joined at one end; you use tweezers for picking up small things



Choose the appropriate answer: I ... him since he started working here.

A. have never trusted   

B. has never trusted   

C. doesn’t trust

D. trust



 Choose the appropriate answer: Why haven't you brought me the letters for signature? ... them yet?

A. haven't you typed

B. didn't you type    

C. don't you type

D. aren’t you type  



Choose the appropriate answer: -Have you ever …. anything on an auction site like eBay?"

 -No. Once I made a … on something, but I was … a few seconds before the auction closed."

A. bought/bid/outbid  

B. buy/outbid/bid  

C. buy/bid/outbid  

D. will buy/outbid/bid



Choose the appropriate answer: I need to charge up my mobile phone battery. … my charger ?

A. have you seen

B. will you see

C. you see

D. had you seen



Choose the appropriate answer: Wire strippers ____________________ insulation.

A. are used for removing

B. are used to removing

C. is used for removing

D. are used for remove



 Choose the appropriate answer: Now the company can lose all the work files because of me. The IT technicians _____ the system yet. I am in a big trouble!

A. haven’t repaired

B. aren’t repairing

C. will not repair

D. repaired



Choose the correct answer to complete the passage: For as long as there _________ computer hardware, there has also been computer software.

A. has been

B. have been

C. was

D. be



Choose the appropriate answer: Cable testers __________________ electrical connections in wired devices.   

A. are used for checking

B. is used for checking

C. used to checking

D. used check



Choose the appropriate answer: A  multimetre …………. electrical properties.

A. is used to measure

B. measuring

C. are to measure

D. is measure



Choose the appropriate answer:I……….. the computer.

A. have unplugged

B. have unplug

C. unplugging

D. was unplugged



 Choose the best answer: What is a multimeter used for?

A. for measuring voltage, current and resistance

B. for checking electrical connections

C. for checking the system when the computer starts

D. for checking computer hardware



Choose the best answer: What is the cable tester used for?

A. for checking electrical connections

B. for checking computer hardware

C. for checking the system when the computer starts

D. for measuring voltage, current and resistance



Choose the best answer: What is a system diagnostic card used for?

A. for checking the system when the computer starts

B. for measuring voltage, current and resistance

C. for checking computer hardware

D. for checking electrical connections



Choose the best answer: What is the diagnostic software used for?

A. for checking computer hardware

B. for checking electrical connections

C. for checking the system when the computer starts

D. for measuring voltage, current and resistance



Choose the best answer: What is a reversible ratchet driver used for?

A. used for easy driving of screws and nuts

B. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

C. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation

D. used to  prevent electrostatic discharge



Choose the best answer: What is a screwdriver used for?

A. used for tightening and removing screws

B. used to  prevent electrostatic discharge

C. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation

D. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket



Choose the best answer: What is a hex key used for?

A. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

B. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation

C. used for tightening and removing screws

D. used to  prevent electrostatic discharge



Choose the best answer: What is a wire cutter/stripper used for?

A. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation

B. used to prevent electrostatic discharge

C. used for tightening and removing screws

D. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket



 Choose the best answer: What is an insertion/extraction clipper used for?

A. used for inserting and removing fibre connectors in tight spaces

B. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

C. used to prevent electrostatic discharge

D. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation



Choose the best answer: What are the tweezers used for?

A. used to hold small objects

B. used for cutting wire or removing the insulation

C. used to prevent electrostatic discharge

D. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket



Choose the best answer: What are the pliers used for?

A. used to hold objects, cut or bend tough materials

B. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

C. used to prevent electrostatic discharge

D. used to hold small objects



Choose the best answer: What is an anti-static wrist strap used for?

A. used to prevent electrostatic discharge

B. used to hold small objects

C. used to drive bolts and screws into a hexagonal socket

D. used to hold objects, cut or bend tough materials

ANSWER: A            


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